Moving Forward
Hi Everyone,
In the month of May I have felt an up shift in energy. It’s an upward adjustment, an energy reload. It’s almost an acknowledgment from spirit that we are moving into a new phase of our development. We are in what I call the revolution of thought ( A new way of thinking to be able to move forward productively) which will bring us into a new evolution of species.
What do I mean by this.
Right now we are going through a total break down so that we can come to a new way of living. The virus, weather changes economic challenges, social change and everything in between. We are being forced to look at ourselves and the world as we have created it.
We have been in what is called 3 dimensional thought and living. Eat, Sleep, and make more money with no regard for the footprint that we are leaving.
We have to wake up now or decease. The planet can’t sustain us any longer.
We are now starting the 4th dimension of understanding. Which is the waking up process. We are dropping all things and structures that don’t work anymore. We need to shift our thinking from an exclusive to an inclusive way of being. We are to include all living things. We are all made up of the same energy, God source. We need to start acknowledging this.
We are being shown to get clear on our true selves and start living it.
We are asked to recognize that we are apart of the whole on every level and we are responsible to do our part. We go from ME to WE. We learn to have a compassionate heart.
We are cleansing, clearing and reconstructing a new us and a new world. We are asked to create a world of love, peace and an understanding of our neighbor.
As we move through this phase we will be evolving the human species. (evolution of species). This will be ushering in the fifth dimensional world. A world of conscious action and living. As we evolve our frequency gets faster to maintain the level of thought and being. We will adjust as we go.
A whole new world is taking place at the same time as all things are breaking down. It is important to remember that through adversity we learn how to recreate a life of meaning for ourselves and others. As bad as it is (the dark side )I am finding myself feeling the magic that this change is bringing, (the Light.) We just have to light the inner candle of the soul, and keep that inner light going at all times. It will light the way to your personal discovery and it will guide you thru to the other side.
It is so beautiful watching people wake up and start questioning their real truth and what their humanity means to them. There is so much love and despair wrapped up into one. Undressing us for a whole new wardrobe. To be empowered by our true soul selves and the soul vibration of the collective. We are all taking this shift together. This is something that has never happened before in the history of the world. We chose and were chosen for this place and time. Our future depends on all of us doing our part.
We have been on a huge roller coaster ride. Try and look at it as a fast moving river, we need to go with it don’t swim against the tide that doesn’t work. Just know who you are at all times through thick and thin and always act from your truth, and your knowing, (intuition). Stay flexible and malleable. Live in the Now. Get quiet as much as possible so you can hear what direction to take to guide you through. Get energy work done as much as possible to help clear you and move through the process.
Live in the simplicity of life. Keep clarifying what you want your story and the world’s story to look like. Visualize it, meditate on it, then become it.
Always stand in Love, Truth, Humility and Honor. Let’s stay grateful for what we have been entrusted with which is to be peace so we can create peace in the world around us. Pretty powerful stuff!!!
Remember you are not in this alone. Spirit is always with you.
I am here too if you need guidance or energy work.
With Much Love and Joy,