How to Set Intentions
I think it's important to take a day out of each month or notes over the month prior to the full moon to get quiet and ask myself what intention or intentions I want to focus on.
I start to write them out or start journaling.
Once I feel I've come to something that needs my attention orI want to manifest I write that on a separate piece of paper to put in my intention box or bowl when I'm done.
I go to my crystals and choose which one I want to work with for this particular intention to put forth to manifestation.
Here are a few stones you can use:
Selenite - Clears and Cleanses
Quartz Crystal-Master Healer - Clarity of thought
Black Tourmaline - Protection
Lapis - Awareness & Intuition
Rose Quartz - Learning to Trust & Love
Citrine- Strengthens intuition
If you are drawn to a different crystal or are called to use more than one crystal, it's no problem.
This is your energy so give it what it needs.
1. Before I start, I make sure that my crystal or crystals that I am using are cleansed. You can Sage use Sea Salt and water or set outside under the moon.
2. You can use a sound chime to work with to set the opening and closing if you want it to be more focused.
Using a C sound chime is a great one to choose. It is the Root Chakra and the Soul Star. So, anchoring in the Earth to the Sky.
3. You can put on some relaxing music as well. Whatever
calms and relaxes you. You can go into our sound room as well in our Membership App to find the perfect mood for you.
4. Light a Candle.
5. Take some deep breaths to clear and ground yourself.
6. Get quiet and sit for a few minutes.
7. Then say the intention out loud or in your mind as many times as you feel. Picture yourself as part of this creation.
8. Sit and let this intention be a part of your, mind, body and soul. See It -Feel it - Become It!
As Wayne Dyer would say "You'll See It When You Believe it”
9. Continue until your body and inner self feels the vision is complete and done. You have become part of the picture and the whole picture. You have merged as one.
Then release it to the universe and say: And SO, IT IS - And So I Am!!!!
10.Put your crystals and the paper you wrote your intention on together in your bowl or box.
10. Keep out something that represents this intention for you to be able to see as a touch stone or reminder of the intention you set. A visual affirmation if you will.
Intentions can be set at any time. However, they can become more powerful with the energy of the full moon.
Some Crystals to use at a full moon:
1. Pyrite
2. Selenite
3. Black Obsidian
Shop Full Moon Set