Wow, we have all had quite a year.
We have had and are having a huge awakening. I would say that this awakening began with the election of President Trump, as he was the catalyst for this awakening over the past four years.
He tried to shatter every norm that was in our belief system. We saw what it looked like to have power become your only motive, which followed by greed and money. We saw his disrespect of human life and the planet we live on. The cause in my opinion- the need to be recognized and loved, which he never got from his family. It appeared to be that they only recognized him through winning at any cost. Compassion and kindness were never part of the vocabulary. His Malady caused all of us to wake up in one way or another.
It made us examine:
1. Love vs. Hate
2. A real look at inequality, justice, and racism.
3. Lies vs. Truth.
4. Our Relationship with Money.
5. Our virtues and values - Compassion, Honor, Equality, Loyalty and Respect.
6. Spiritually we were made aware of and asked to examine is my outside world in alignment with my inside world?
7. How do we want to live our lives, life is short.
8. Our Environment – Our relationship with our earth and how we care for it and everything living on it.
9. Our FREEDOM – I never in my wildest dreams thought I would awaken to face that our democracy was in jeopardy. How fragile it really is, and that we needed to fight for it. I myself didn’t realize that I took it for granite. I thought it was a given and we would always have it. I have put on a new set of glasses. It gave us a glimpse of what other non-free societies around the world feel like and go through. Freedom is the most powerful thing. A deep thing to look at and what must be achieved for all.
We got a history lesson in how democracy works in a big way! We now know more of how our system operates and we have seen first hand ways it has been manipulated for personal gain for the few. We realize that we must pay attention and create the democracy we all want to live in. We all have to be active and take part in maintaining our country and letting go and recreating what reflects our true values. We all are responsible.
The Pandemic:
Another huge wake up call. Who would have thought that we would in this day and age have a virus that is as bad as the Spanish Flu over a hundred years ago. Also affecting us globally. Losing family members out of nowhere and so quickly. Losing jobs and our places to live with very little governmental help. The help has come from the strength and compassion of the people. We have seen and felt the pain of all countries. It has brought the realization that we are truly a global family and we must take care of each other.
The whole world is sick and tired of being sick and tired. It is time to create a global society that respects and represents everybody. We don’t have time for judgments and separatism. It is time to be an inclusive world and not exclusive. We all have something to contribute. This year has shown us that our old world is falling apart and a new one is beginning. This is a good thing. It is up to each of us to do our part in creating this new world. There is no effort to small or to big. We are all called upon to visualize, and create what we want our world to look like together. There is no better than the holidays and new year to reflect and get started on this.
John Lennon