Wow, we have all had quite a year.
We have had and are having a huge awakening. I would say that this awakening began with the election of President Trump, as he was the catalyst for this awakening over the past four years.

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Gabriella Celiberti
The Dark Night Of The Soul 

This month has been overwhelming and draining to say the least.
I started to feel a sadness that I couldn’t put my finger on. I then realized that I was experiencing a great loss, a mourning of what I once knew the world to be.

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JoyJourney OfYou
Holy Shift!

Well in a few short weeks the doors have flown wide open! With this past full moon I experienced a huge frequency shift again. Let me stop a moment and explain a frequency shift.

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Gabriella Celiberti
Moving Forward

In the month of May I have felt an up shift in energy. It’s an upward adjustment, an energy reload. It’s almost an acknowledgment from spirit that we are moving into a new phase of our development.

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Gabriella Celiberti
Chakra Meditation

This is a specific Chakra Meditation and not for all Chakras at one time. Each Chakra has its own context individually, as well as its contribution to the whole. I am starting this with your Root Chakra because almost every issue starts with survival, safety and our place in the world.

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Gabriella Celiberti
8 Must Have Crystals

When working with crystals you are working with their energy and frequency. All stones come from different backgrounds, much like us. They have a story to tell. See which one you are drawn to. There are no mistakes.

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Gabriella Celiberti
How to Find your Truth

Finding your truth starts with how you feel about something. What has meaning and brings warm feelings, peace and joy to you? This is part of your essence, of who you are, what makes you who you are, and what your constitution is made of.

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Gabriella Celiberti
Sacred Spaces

I believe that our home is our personal sacred place. It is where we go for refuge from the outside world. It is a place of love, security, rest, laughter, nurturing and contemplation. It is where we spend the majority of our time, so it is important how we decorate our home.

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Gabriella Celiberti
Closing Out the Decade

So much has happened in the past 10 years. For me it was several hard moves and an incredible amount of growth. I lived in New Mexico where I absolutely loved it and moved to L.A. with my son so he could study acting.

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Gabriella Celiberti
A New Day

What I see that has come forth in this last episode of shootings is that the white supremacist movement has put every race, religion and gender all in the same boat. We are all targets. We have the opportunity to bring all of us together as one people, to never be divided again. We are asked to couch up ALL of our hatred.

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Gabriella Celiberti